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Frequently Asked Questions

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Application Process

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

To apply for a particular job, visit IDFC FIRST Bank’s career website and check the open positions under our job listing section. You can simply click here to search for jobs suitable to you.

On visiting IDFC FIRST Bank careers page, kindly use the search bar to search for jobs in your preferred locations and roles you may be keen on.

We review the profiles of all job applicants. If we find your profile suitable for the role, we will respond to your application.

No. We recommend you apply for the jobs through the career website only.

You can track your application / status by logging into your profile and checking the status of your application.

Yes, you can apply for more than one job at a time. However, we recommend you restrict your application to three jobs most suited to you. Do create your profile on our career website for a better visibility.

a) You can simply click here to register with us -

b) Search for suitable jobs and apply by uploading your resume. Once you complete your application process, you may apply to a maximum of three jobs of your choice.

c) You can log out from your profile once completed.

d) You may log on again anytime later to track and check the status of your application.

Your username is your email address. 

Yes, while applying, you are given a choice to upload your resume / profile from LinkedIn.

Yes, you can open the career page link on your mobile using: and apply for the job opportunities you are interested in.

Yes, you can.

Please access the bot to solve your query or write to us:
TA-Helpdesk@IDFCFIRSTBANK.COM with the screenshot of your error and we will reach out to you to solve your query


Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

Yes, IDFC FIRST Bank offers internships through our Campus Internship process only. If interested you can ask your college coordinator to contact our Campus Relations team.

The duration of internships are generally 2 months or more. They are usually decided by the college placement officer, the interning student, and the concerned HR person after consulting business on the estimated time that may be required to successfully complete the internship project.

IDFC FIRST Bank does offer internships to graduate and post-graduate students at Post-Graduate Campuses'. Request your College Placement Head to coordinate this with our Campus Relations Team.
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